Maneuvers - No. 19

Free to

Take Risks

What do you think of when you hear the word “risk”?

Do you think of first responders, police officers and soldiers who lay down their lives for our safety? Do you think of thrilling (or terrifying) hobbies like skydiving or free climbing?

Think closer to home. Think about you. What dream or calling seems too risky for you?

The truth is that there’s a level of risk in everything God calls us to. There’s risk in sharing the gospel, in choosing not to compromise, in sharing with the world a thing of beauty you’ve created, in opening your heart and home to someone in pain.

When God places a dream like that in our hearts, one of the first things we hear in our minds is, “What if…?”

What if everyone hates what I’ve made? What if they reject me? What if my plan doesn’t work? What if…?

Those two words can hold us back from deeper intimacy with God if we let them. But we can choose not to let them.

Dear friend, there’s a greater life available to us if we’re willing to push past the “What if?” Our heavenly Father has exciting adventures he wants to take us on with Holy Spirit—if we will simply say yes.

Will you? Will you say yes? If so, we invite you to join us in listening to Holy Spirit’s message today…


The Message

“You have never been a disappointment. Not to me. You have always been perfectly enough. 

“But in the ways you have believed false things about yourself, deeper lies have come in. They have immobilized you. You are afraid to risk, to try something new because it might not work, or you feel it will be too hard to accomplish, or you feel you don't have what it takes to do it. You are swallowed up by insecurity—and a lack of motivation to try new things pulls you under to where it is dark and quiet and still. But come up to light now, child.

“Be free to move. Be free to risk. Stretch out your arms. Raise your head. Look more carefully, with intention, at the person I have created. I find you glorious. I find you strong. I find you capable. I find you captivating in the way you think and move and dream. It is time to dream now. It is time to go away with me and hear my whisper in your heart—the voice within you that is good and pure and kind. It is my voice, the voice you are made to know. 

“Take some time and space now to listen...Listen...Do you hear it? Do you hear me? I am in the rhythm of your breathing. I am in the dreams you dreamed as a child. I am in the hope you are afraid to hope. I am in the plans you dare not make for your future. 

“Dare, now, child. Dare to dream of challenge and risk. Dare to dream of laughter and connection. Dare to dream of freedom—where worries are quieted by the louder voice of hope. I am hope within you. I am life within you. I am dreams and energy, creativity and song. I am a song singing in you now. I am ideas brewing in you now. I am curiosity growing in you now. Be curious about me. Be awake to me. Run, run, run, run, run, run, run after me. Run with me. 

“My plans for you are thick with beauty—what I have dreamed up is greater than you can imagine. But imagine. Grab my hand and let’s dream together. I have put within you the stirrings of this dream, this plan. Notice how I have told you where to go now, what to do. All, dear one, while holding my hand.”



Quiet your soul right now. Let’s stay still for a moment, drinking in those words we just read.

Now, let’s tune in with what our hearts are feeling in response to Holy Spirit’s words. What desires or fears are coming to the surface? Let’s write out our response to the Lord.



“Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you” (Ephesians 3:20, TPT).

1. What dreams or challenges have you not pursued because they were too risky?

2. What specific risks (or fears) hold you back from those dreams or callings? What events or people have stirred up or encouraged those fears in the past?

3. Ask Holy Spirit what he has to say to those fears and risks you just listed. What is his response? What verses is he bringing to your mind? Let’s write these down.



God did not create us to hide and run away from risk. He created us to face challenges, overcome obstacles, and embark on adventures with him. Yes, even the most risk-averse among us are called to great things, each calling unique in its own way.

What is that calling for you? What have you longed to do but haven’t done yet because of the risk? Hold that dream in your mind as you read these Scriptures:

• “Nothing is impossible with God!” (Luke 1:37, TPT).
• “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Luke 1:9, ESV).
• “The fear of man lays a snare, but everyone who trusts in the Lord is safe” (Proverbs 29:25, ESV).
• “Love never brings fear, for fear is always related to punishment” (John 4:18, TPT).
• “I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it” (Psalm 81:10, ESV).
• “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6, ESV).

Now, let’s read through that list again, slowly, out loud, savoring each phrase. As we do, let’s try emphasizing different words. For example, as we read Luke 1:37, we can say, “Nothing is impossible with God.” Then, “Nothing is impossible with God.” And finally, “Nothing is impossible with God.”

Do you see how each different emphasis highlights a fresh, deeper meaning within the verse?

As we do this for each passage, let’s write down the insights Holy Spirit shows us. How do these verses apply to our specific situation? What lies is God uncovering? What actions is he calling us to take? How is he unleashing our imagination?

We’re so proud of you, friend. And we’re excited to see you take this step in your adventure with Jesus.



Father, thank you for revealing to me the lies I’ve been believing about taking risks with you. I know that, with you, nothing is impossible. You’re more powerful than my finite mind can imagine. You’re capable of doing even more than I can dream.

And I want to dream with you. Where I’ve held back in my imagining because of fear, break down those mental and spiritual barriers. Help me push past the “What if?” and let Holy Spirit stir up your dreams within me.

I love you, Lord. You make me strong. You make me brave. You make yours. I trust you on this journey, no matter how risky it gets. You’re with me, and I choose to focus on that truth instead of the fear.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Waving the banner with you,



Maneuvers - No. 20


Maneuvers - No. 18