Maneuvers - No. 22
I’m Making
You New
Have you ever tried telling a cat what to do, friend? It probably didn’t go the way you wanted, did it?
Even the most enthusiastic cat-lovers will admit felines can be extremely stubborn. Most dogs can be easily trained, but cats? It’s much harder. Cats do what they want to do, and they do it when they want to do it.
The truth is that we can be the same way sometimes, can’t we? When it comes to our relationships with God, we can so often dig our heels into the ground and refuse to let our heavenly Father gently lead us. Especially when it’s uncomfortable. Especially when it hurts.
Why do you think that is? The Bible tells us that it’s because each of us has a sin nature. But when we become born again in Christ, that nature is no longer our master. Jesus is.
And yet, even with our new nature, it’s still difficult to let him lead sometimes. We tend to resist when he wants to dismantle our old ways of thinking, the patterns we’ve grown so accustomed to. We know those patterns are harming us, but it hurts to let them go.
Friend, Jesus understands. And he’s not angry or impatient with us when we’re stubborn. No. He is patiently waiting for us, tenderly helping us let down our defenses so he can do his work. His work is always for our good. Always to make our lives more beautiful, to draw us closer to him.
Today, we (Jennifer and Justin) want to let Jesus dismantle our defenses and reveal who we are in him. Will you join us as we let down our guard to hear Holy Spirit’s message? Let’s listen…
The Message
“You like to imagine how I will speak to you. Whether I will be guiding you toward something new, or if I will be telling you something you already know. You wonder if it is information you need—or if the information I give you will matter. But, let me ask you this: when I speak to you, are you open to responding? Will you take my words and consider them in the deep place within your heart?
“For there is stubbornness there, isn’t there—in those deep places in your heart? And merely reading my words is a start. But it is not enough. Let what I say to you permeate who you are. Let it discombobulate the old ways of thinking so that your heart can be reworked with the new ways of being that I call you to.
“You have been created by me. I know your inner workings. I know where your heart is soft. And I know where your heart is hard. I know your posture—whether you are surrendered and open or resistant and skeptical. In what ways do you fear me? What do you most fear I will say?
“In the daytime, I think of you. In the nighttime, I think of you. I love you and cherish you. I consider how you are made and how you push and pull against me, like any child. But will this be the day when the push and pull lessens a bit? Will today be the day when you drop your hands, empty them, keep them open completely, and stand before me with no more wariness but with curiosity and expectation and joy?
“Remember this: I am for you. Everything I do—all the ways in which I guide you—is for your good. I am good. And because you are made with my breath, and my two hands, you are designed to be intimately connected with me. So, shall I show you the ways in which you hold back from trusting me? Do you want me to show you the obstacles—the stubbornness, the ways you resist and distrust?
“I can remove the blinders from your eyes; I can let your true heart be revealed—but I will do this only to the extent that you desire me more than your stubborn ways. What will be your path? What will be your choice? What will be what you want most? A dead end? A closed way of seeing? Or a wide open heart ready to take action and move into change and risk and possibility for more? I want to free you from those chains. You aren’t made to wear them. And you can take them off, you know. Do you want to?”
Notice how Holy Spirit uses the word “stubbornness” in this week’s message. How does your heart respond to that word? Let’s write down our response to the Lord.
“He led them from the darkness and deepest gloom; he snapped their chains” (Psalm 107:14, NLT).
1. What chains does Jesus want to remove from your life? What obstacles are holding you back from deeper intimacy and freedom in him?
2. In what ways have you been stubborn with the Lord? What work is he doing that you’ve been resisting?
3. What are the underlying reasons behind your resistance? What lies about yourself or about God are making it difficult to trust him? Let’s write those down.
Do you long for “more” in life, dear friend? More beauty? More abundance? More joy and peace and life?
Well, that’s exactly what our heavenly Father wants to give us. It’s what we’re made for. We were designed to experience all of him and enjoy him forever. That can start now.
But for us to experience that life, we have to let Jesus work on our hearts. Let’s re-read a portion of this week’s message: “I can remove the blinders from your eyes; I can let your true heart be revealed—but I will do this only to the extent that you desire me more than your stubborn ways.”
Yes, he wants to reveal our true hearts. Let’s look at that word, “reveal”:
v. to make known through divine inspiration; to make (something secret or hidden) publicly or generally known; to open up to view.
It’s said that Michelangelo believed every block of stone had a statue already inside it. He simply chipped away all the extra pieces to reveal the sculpture within.
Because you’re a new creation in Christ, your true nature is already holy and righteous, unique in how you reflect Jesus. And as Holy Spirit continues to work in your heart, he’s chipping away the old ways of thinking to reveal the true you.
Let’s do a five-minute writing exercise. Pull out your journal and a pen and find a quiet place to spend five minutes free-writing in response to these questions:
Who is the “true me” Holy Spirit is revealing? How does that person view the world, God, and themselves? How do they think? What do they feel, enjoy, and dislike? How do they pray? What do they believe?
Let’s allow Holy Spirit to envision us for the work he’s doing in our hearts. It’s worth the discomfort and the surrender.
Father, thank you for your patience with me, even when I’m stubborn. Help me let go of control and simply surrender as you work on my heart.
I don’t want to hold on to these old habits and patterns of thinking anymore. I want the new ways. Your ways.
I know the true me you’ve created is beautiful, whole, and complete in you. I want that true self to shine, so do whatever work you have to do to reveal that person.
You are good and kind. Your love for me is overwhelming. I love you, too, Lord, and everything about you. Draw me closer as I surrender. Take off these blinders so I can see you better. I trust you as you lead me.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Waving the banner with you,