Maneuvers - No. 49

I’m Here When

Things Change


It happens around us all the time. And in light of the pandemic, more things have changed in our lives over the last several years than we can count.

For some of us, the idea of change may be exciting–especially if it means growth. But more often, it only brings a sense of dread.

Why do we feel that way? Could it be that we want to feel in control? Or that we believe if we can stop things from changing, we can avoid pain and hurt?

It’s no wonder that 70% of change efforts fail immediately. Health professionals even warn people about the effects of stress brought on by change:

• Headaches
• Trouble sleeping
• Stomachaches
• Muscle tension
• Backaches
• High blood pressure
• Heart problems
• Depression or anxiety
• Irritability
• Eating too much or too little
• Alcohol or drug abuse

But what if we could face change with peace and confidence? What if we allowed Holy Spirit to walk with us and be our unwavering rock of truth? Let’s listen to his wisdom today…


The Message

“You are not alone. Do not be scared. I know you feel disorientated now, the world so different from what you knew before. What you knew before has fallen away. But even here, when what was familiar is gone, I have not left you. You are my child, and I promised long ago that I would never leave.

“Take comfort in my love for you. Take comfort in my good plans. Your plans have changed, I know. With each passing year, with all the changes that have happened in you and around you and despite you, my good plans for you have never changed. My love for you doesn't wane when circumstances around you change. There is so much you can’t control. But you are not a victim to your circumstances. They do not need to dictate your feeling of security. For your security that never falters is my love for you. Let yourself rest in that now, dear one. My love for you is measureless. My love for you, even if you don’t know it completely, is always your true guide.

“In the darkness now, know that I give you light. In the quiet and in the noise, in the confusion and in the empty space, let me hold you. I am holding you. The people you love–all your cries to me for them, I have heard. I love your heart for me. I have made you to want me more than anything. I have held you before you were even born.

“Dear one, be comforted. Be at peace. You are rescued. You are free. Not free from this world yet, but my love for you frees you from all the worries of this world. You need not be tied to it. My strength and might and power are beyond your grasp–both mentally and emotionally and physically, and you can rest in your smallness. You can rest in my love for you. You can let me be your God and you my child and know that, as a father, I will always be your protector and provider. All that you face? I’ve got it. I’ve got you. Trust that I never let you go.”



How did it feel to rest in God’s love as you read this week’s message? Take a moment to pause and focus on that love. Now, let’s respond to the Lord with a written prayer in our journals.



“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8, TLB).

1. How do you respond when unwanted changes happen? Which changes are the most difficult for you to cope with?

2. How else does the desire to be in control impact your life? How does that internal need cause you to act or treat others? How does it affect your relationship with God?

3. How can you surrender that need for control to Jesus? In what ways is he calling you to trust him in this season?



What fuels our fear of change? For many of us, it’s a need for control.

But what if the changes we fear the most are what God wants to use to shape us to look more like him?

Jesus taught his disciples this truth: “Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life” (John 12:24-25, NIV).

How did you feel as you read those words, friend? Most of us might feel uncomfortable with the idea of losing our lives and–yes–letting go of control. But isn’t that temporary discomfort worth it if we find our lives anew in Jesus? With him, we have access to more beauty, joy, and hope than we could ever imagine.

To experience that “fully alive” kind of life in Jesus, though, we have to take his words to heart… and release to him our need for control.

So right now, let’s close our eyes and consider how we feel when we face changes beyond our control. How do we need God’s healing?

Let’s ask Jesus to reveal to us how he wants us to trust him in those areas. Pause here… Is he bringing a particular friend to mind that we can share our burdens with? Is he highlighting a step of faith we need to take?

Let’s also ask him for courage to surrender every single area of our lives to him. No holding back. No conditions. Just giving all we are to his gentle, loving arms.

In this moment of intimacy with the Lord, let’s assume a physical position of surrender. We can kneel, lift our hands, bow our heads, or stretch out our arms–whatever best expresses our hearts right now. And in this position of surrender, let’s pray…



Father, I confess that I feel a deep desire to control my life. It’s so uncomfortable when things–or people–change. In my heart, I wish I could keep everything safe and predictable.

I struggle to surrender my future and my whole heart to you. But I know you are good, and your plans for me are good. I can trust your heart for me.

Free me from this pride, Lord! Cleanse me and help me be willing to lose my life so that I can find it fully in you. Only you offer true life full of hope and joy. That’s what I want. That’s all I want.

I surrender to you. I surrender my whole heart and mind and body and future. It’s all yours. Lead me however you want. I trust you. I trust you. I trust you.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Waving the banner with you,



Maneuvers - No. 50


Maneuvers - No. 48