Maneuvers - No. 70
Notice Me Here
With You
Have you ever heard of Brother Lawrence, friend?
By the world’s standards, he wasn’t an impressive figure. Just an unassuming monk in 17th-century France.
Despite the frenzied power struggles and economic struggles across the nation at that time, Brother Lawrence lived a humble, quiet life in Paris. He enjoyed a peace that very few experienced in his day (and perhaps in ours, too).
His secret?
God’s presence.
He learned to become aware of Jesus nearly all the time–whether he was praying in his room, walking the grounds, or doing common chores. He allowed God to be his constant companion in the mundane moments of life.
In his book, The Practice of the Presence of God, Brother Lawrence wrote: “There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual conversation with God; those only can comprehend it who practice and experience it.”
No greater joy than knowing Jesus and seeing the world through his eyes. That was the principle Brother Lawrence lived by.
But what about those of us who don’t live in walled-in monasteries? Those of us who have to drive in bumper-to-bumper traffic just to get to work each day? Who feed and clean and play with children who love to scream and make messes? Who are constantly bombarded by the world’s fast-paced distractions?
How do we learn to enjoy God’s presence all day long?
That’s what Holy Spirit’s message is about this week–seeing him, seeing the world through him, becoming aware of how he’s all around us. Let’s listen…
The Message
“There is harmony here, Voices of love around me. All know my name. All call out, singing. All give me praise. Do you hear it? Do you know heaven’s song? Truly, it is a sound you know, that you are made to know. So let your heart engage with me here, in this secret place, this place deep in your heart–this place where you connect with me and we are one and you are known.
“Do not be discouraged. There is not a formula for knowing me. Again, it is in you, this path to knowing me. We are connected; you are made for me; I am for you to know.
“So turn inward–but keep the eyes of your heart outward too. Notice nature’s recognition of me. How the rhythms of morning and night, of light and dark, point to order and faithfulness. I have created these rhythms of goodness, of warmth and coolness, of refreshment and challenge. I am faithful to you. You can trust me. With me (will you trust in my rhythms?), you overflow with love.
“As you live in these rhythms, do not look for things to be worried about. Don’t seek problems to be solved, disasters to clean up. What is for you to do–who is for you to love–is all before you. What you face each day are opportunities to serve, to join heaven singing. Notice how, in whatever situation you are in, you can engage with me and love.
“So go now, and trust me. Notice how I am with you. Notice how, when you love, you are more aware that I stay.”
What specific phrase stood out to you most in today’s message? Set a timer for 1 minute and ponder each word in that phrase. Now, let’s write a prayer in our journals to respond to what we just read.
“One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple” (Psalm 27:4, ESV).
1. Where do you easily sense God’s presence in your life? Where do you see him moving in you or loving through you?
2. How is it difficult for you at times to be aware of God’s presence? What makes it hard to look inward (or to look outward) to notice him?
3. What is your first reaction when you see a problem? (Do you worry about it, try to fix it on your own, or hide from it?) How is Holy Spirit calling you to respond instead?
Imagine you’re in a beautiful room, friend. It’s full of valuable treasures, stunning artwork, and fascinating books.
But there’s just one problem. It’s pitch black in this room, and you can’t see anything.
You might be able to feel your way through parts of the room. Maybe pick up a piece of art and enjoy how it feels.
But you can’t enjoy the room’s full beauty. You can’t discover all its hidden treasures.
Now imagine Jesus is next to you. He’s holding a bright lamp and now you can see the exquisite artwork and designs around you. You can admire paintings and sculptures, thumb through books, and relax in the luxurious armchair in the corner.
This is what it’s like when we walk through life aware of Jesus’ presence. We can enjoy the beauty around us. We can see hope in our trials. We can see life even when our enemy seeks to bring death.
But when we try to get through life in our own strength, fixing our own problems, interpreting situations through our own wisdom… we can’t see clearly, and as a result, we can’t enjoy the fullness of the abundant life God designed us to have.
Can we try putting this principle into practice, friend? To start, let’s go on a walk outside. Notice the trees, the way their leaves curl, the way the birds twitter in the branches above our heads. Look at the twigs beneath our feet, the tiny flower blooming within the cracks of the sidewalk. We can admire all these intricacies of our heavenly Father’s work–and thank him.
As we notice the nature and people around us, let’s ask ourselves: What does this show me about Jesus? (He’s the one who created them, after all!) What is Holy Spirit speaking to my heart? Is he bringing a particular Scripture to my mind? Is he reminding me to pray for someone?
And let’s remember… God made us to be with him, to notice him, to hear his song of love. But that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to be aware of his presence. This world and our own flesh can make it so hard sometimes.
So let’s humbly let him teach us how to practice his presence–and receive his abundant grace when we fall short. He has so much grace for us.
Father, thank you for the care you put into creating this world–and the care you put into creating me. I love knowing you, and I love who you are.
But it’s hard to notice your presence sometimes, and I confess that I often try to fix problems in my own strength or I worry about them when I should be trusting you. Teach me how to enjoy your closeness all day long–when I’m busy and when I’m bored, when I’m dealing with problems and when I’m relaxing. I want you close to me.
Show me how to walk in your rhythm and how to hear your song and sing it with you. I love you, Lord.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Waving the banner with you,