Maneuvers - No. 9

An Answer for

Your Struggle

“Life is a struggle.”

That’s what the world tells us, isn’t it? And perhaps there’s some truth to that. Life can often seem like a constant struggle. An unending war that attracts new battles nearly every day.

Do you feel that way, friend? If so, you know how exhausting that perspective can be.

Because when we believe that life is just a struggle, it’s easy to start walking with a limp, nursing a wound that never heals. Or we feel we have to fight harder, guard our scarred hearts, and win—even if that means hurting others and ourselves.

It’s a brutal cycle. One that was never meant for us.

The truth is that life can be hard, and there is often work to do, work we need to do for healing, for growth, and for deeper intimacy.

But it’s not the cynical war that the world tries to convince us that it is. At least, it doesn’t have to be.

It can be something much sweeter. Today, if you feel you’re stuck in a constant battle that only leaves you more bruised and more defeated, we invite you to join us in listening to the words of our heavenly Father. Words that bring healing, that end the war within, and that lift you high above the exhausting cycle of struggle.

Come closer, and let’s listen…


The Message

“There is much to distrust in this world. There is much anger and pain. There is much angst and striving for more and more—more things people feel they are lacking. 

“But not me. Not many know they are lacking me. 

“The cycle goes on, with the march toward death when there is no need for death. Only death to what harms your soul. Do you know what those things are that harm your soul? Things that cause you to walk with a limp in your step, your eyes on the ground, your mind filled with schemes to hurt and kill and destroy—and misplacing—or being blind to—all the good I have given you? 

“Why do you run from what is good and let yourself be deceived by things that rob you of peace? Why do you believe striving brings peace? That freedom doesn’t come without trial?

“I never told you this life would be easy. It is overwhelming for you. You struggle to be close to me. So my Son came and my Helper came and you are never left alone. You are never untended. You are never forgotten or abandoned or without all the help you ever need.

“Trust me here. Listen to me now. I will repeat it; you are never without the help you need. I do not leave you. I am for you. I am with you. My dream for you—that you would be free and unencumbered by sin, is a reality only through the love I give you. And it is enough. 

“You are going to be okay. I promise. Just not in the way you might think. Dream bigger now, to see my love for you. Seek deeper now, to experience new life in your heart. All that ties you down now is a bind I can loosen. Do you want me to? 


“Then will you do the work of trusting me to loosen these binds? For there is work here. And I can help you in trusting me more, too.”



When you hear the word “striving,” what images come to your mind? What situations in your life do you think of? Think for a moment on what Holy Spirit spoke today about striving. How does your heart respond to His words?

Let’s write down that prayer.



“The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deuteronomy 33:27a, ESV).

1. What things are you striving for, things you feel you’ve been lacking? How has striving for these things affected your relationship with God? Let’s write down our answers.

2. What things have been harming your soul? What situations or behaviors cause you to feel defeated, angry, or alone? Let’s write these down, too.

3. Take a moment to acknowledge God’s presence with you. Can you feel Him all around you? Within you? Good… Now, how does resting in His presence change your perspective on the things you wrote down from the two previous questions? What is He changing in your heart?



Sometimes, in the heat of the struggle, we can feel like we’re fighting alone. And we get tired. We feel defeated even before the battle is over.

But we’re not alone, friend. No matter how intense the struggle against sin, against life’s unfair attacks, against the damaging thoughts that rage in our minds… we are never alone.

Let’s return to this week’s message:

“Trust me here. Listen to me now. I will repeat it; you are never without the help you need. I do not leave you. I am for you. I am with you. My dream for you—that you would be free and unencumbered by sin, is a reality only through the love I give you. And it is enough.”

The struggle feels most intense when we feel we’re the only ones fighting. But when we remember that the one who is stronger than all others is with us, the burden eases. The work becomes lighter, because we’re not the ones carrying it anymore.

Jesus tells us, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:29-30).

Does he say we no longer have to carry any burden or wear any yoke? No. We still do. But it’s not ours—it’s his. And his yoke is much lighter.

Why is it lighter? Could it be because our work is no longer about us striving hard enough to stop sinning or handle life’s pressures alone? Our work has become resting in his love to the point that his strength takes over and works through us.

Let’s take a moment to go on a walk or simply step outside if possible. Wherever you’re able to go, let’s focus on being with Jesus. As you look around you at what he created, the fruit of his work—the trees, the sky, the birds, the wind, the flowers, the rain—open your hands as a representation of releasing your burden and taking his own.

Now, let’s pray…



Jesus, thank you for taking my burden from me. It was too heavy for me, and I tried to carry it myself for too long. Thank you for allowing me to take your burden and your yoke instead. You’re right… they’re so much lighter. Resting in you, breathing you in, it’s so much easier than striving in my own efforts.

I love you, Jesus. I love your ways. Your perfection, your justice, your kindness. I love how you made the world around me. I even love how you made me.

Help me see my life, my goals, my family, the people around me, all through your eyes. Teach me how to love them through you, how to reject sin through you, and how to be bold through you. I can’t do this alone. I need you.

Thank you for being here with me. I love your presence. Help me recognize it around me moment by moment. Amen.

Waving the banner with you,



Maneuvers - No. 10


Maneuvers - No. 8