Maneuvers - No. 96
New Year,
New Growth
Around this time, many people are writing down their New Year’s resolutions. Maybe you are, too! If so, you may feel full of hope—eager for big changes ahead.
But have you ever set a goal and failed to keep it? A 2016 study found that only 9% of people who make New Year’s resolutions feel successful in keeping them by the end of the year.
As discouraging as that statistic may sound, it’s a good example of what can happen when we make our own plans in our own wisdom.
We (Jennifer and Justin) have found that making resolutions in that way rarely turns out well. But allowing God to lead us in our goals, decisions, and plans always leads to new growth and beauty (even if those plans don’t turn out the way we originally think they will!).
So let’s ask ourselves… What do we want our lives to look like this year? What kind of growth do we want to see in ourselves? What kind of changes are we desperately hoping for? And how does Jesus want to lead us and draw us closer to him?
Today, Holy Spirit is calling us to a place of deep self-reflection, of listening to him in the stillness, of letting go of what pulls us down, and of embracing what will take us higher. Because no matter how big our own plans are for the coming year, his plans are even more beautiful and more meaningful.
So come, let’s allow our faithful, kind Shepherd to lead us into that place of discovery. He has so much to show us today.
The Message
“Do not dismay. My capacity is different from your capacity. So turn to me; stop what you are doing and turn to me. It sounds simple to trust me more than yourself. But it isn’t, I know.
“In this turning of the calendar, as you turn with expectation for the new year ahead, what is it you are taking with you that you can trust? And what are you taking with you that you can’t? Will you let me shape your plans? Will you let me lead you toward a place of discovery? For I have much to show you.
“You are never done growing, becoming even stronger, wiser, gentler, and kinder. You have everything you need—I give you everything I have—to live a life this year (and the next and the next) filled with passion, energy, and hope. There is so much good ahead, and there is so much good here. Do you see it? Can you let yourself believe it? For I am here. I am not far from you. I am right here.
“Listen for my voice in the day. Listen for my voice in the night. I am in all things—all that you hold and all that you hope for. Let the ticking of a clock not be what you heed—but heed the stirring of your heart as you engage with mine. Trust in me more than a list of things to get done today. Trust me to show you what your heart needs—and how your heart expands to hold the things I hold, too: love for yourself, love for others, newness, and life beginning each day, each moment. I make all things new. Watch me unfold newness, like a sweet drink of fresh air in your lungs, in you.”
In a word, what did today’s message speak to you about this coming year? What’s your response? Let’s set a timer for three minutes and write out a prayer to the Lord.
“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah 43:19, NIV).
1. What makes it hard to listen for God’s voice throughout the day? When does it feel easier to hear him speak to you?
2. What are some ways God wants to grow you this year? How is he providing all you need for that growth?
3. What good things did God do in you and in your life last year? Let’s write them down. What good things would you love to see him do in this new year?
Let’s return to this week’s FLAG Message:
“In this turning of the calendar, as you turn with expectation for the new year ahead, what is it you are taking with you that you can trust? And what are you taking with you that you can’t? Will you let me shape your plans? Will you let me lead you toward a place of discovery? For I have much to show you.”
The more we trust our heavenly Father’s good plans for us, the easier it can be to receive his gifts. And this year ahead is full of good gifts. Do we believe that?
Today, let’s take some time to reflect on the past year and allow Holy Spirit to give us his vision for this next one. So let’s get our journal, a pen, and a Bible and find a quiet spot where we can think and pray.
To start, let’s ask ourselves: What are some things God taught me last year? What gifts did he give me? How did he use the hard things to grow me?
Let’s write down our answers.
Now let’s ask the Lord: What lessons do you want to continue teaching me in this new year? What truths do you want me to experience in a deeper way? What steps of faith are you calling me to take? What thought patterns are you leading me to let go of?
Did the Lord show you anything during this time of quiet reflection, friend? Did any Scriptures come to mind? If so, let’s write them down.
And if you didn’t hear anything, that’s okay. If you feel led, consider repeating this pattern of listening and reflecting each day over the next week—giving the Lord room to speak to your heart. He loves to be with his children.
Let’s close in prayer.
Father, you created me to love you, know you, and enjoy closeness with you. You created me to follow you—even into the unknown places. This year, show me how to receive from you everything I need to follow you and experience you.
Help me trust you, even when my plans don’t work out and I don’t understand why. I open my heart to you—teach me and speak to me. Let my life reflect more of your goodness, love, gentleness, and kindness this year.
I love you, Lord.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Waving the banner with you,