Maneuvers - No. 98

In My


We may hear it all the time in sermons, podcasts, and Christian kids’ shows:

You’re made in the image of God.

And we may even hear the biblical passage this truth comes from:

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27, NIV).

But what does that really mean? And how does a truth like that shape our relationship with this all-powerful Creator—this Jesus who became a human like us and died to rescue us?

It can easily feel like it’s all too much to comprehend, can’t it? We may feel as if relationship with God can’t be that simple. As though it has to be hard. Or that we have to figure him all out first. Or that closeness has to be earned and deserved.

And yet, in a way … relationship isn’t really that complicated. It can be the simplest—and most rewarding—thing.

That’s why we’re so excited about this week’s FLAG Message. Because through it, Holy Spirit is showing us what it looks like to have a deeper relationship with God by embracing the fact that we’re made in his image—that he created us to feel and to love and to communicate and to crave what is good.

Come and listen with us …


The Message

“Oh, your listless heart. How often do you try to imagine me? Do you let your mind strain? Are you up for the effort? Would you consider who I am? Do you let yourself feel me? How is it that you know me? Do you find me remarkable? Do you care that I am more than you can ever understand? 

“What is there for you to understand other than that love acts and love is good? What is there for you to know other than nothing good ever truly ends? For I am good. And I am love. And my qualities are forever-lasting, and you need not fear a thing?

“My ways are not your ways, and isn’t that so wonderful? I have made you in my image, yet I am not made in yours. So while you can only have context for what you have experienced personally, you can experience my love through the context I give you each moment of your life: in this breath, this color, this movement, this emotion, this possibility, this lovely shape of your heart and head. 

“I love that we can communicate. I love that you can communicate with me. I love that we can share conversations, experiences, and the gifts that this life holds: I am here; I am love; I am never leaving.

“Close your eyes, Faithful One. Open your heart and mind. Let me show you what you have never seen and help you feel what you have always known: love, for I am love. And you always know from where you’ve come. And soon, I will show you where I have always been.”



In one word, what’s your response to this week’s message? Set a timer for one minute and ponder that word. Now, let’s pull out our journals and write out our thoughts as a prayer to the Lord.



“For ‘Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?’ But we have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16, NIV).

1. In what ways does a deeper relationship with God feel unattainable to you? How does this mindset affect how you pray and approach Jesus?

2. How do you crave to see more of God’s love and goodness in your life? What makes it hard to recognize him in the day-to-day?

3. What fears have you been wrestling with lately? What is God saying to you about them?



Living in this fallen world, with all its distractions and heartaches and deception, can make it easy to feel distant from God. But Scripture tells us there’s no more separation. That relationship we crave to have with God—the closeness and friendship we desire—it’s now completely available to us through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Paul describes it this way:

“I’m absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us” (Romans 8:38-39, MSG).

With that truth in mind, let’s return to this week’s message:

“My ways are not your ways, and isn’t that so wonderful? I have made you in my image, yet I am not made in yours. So while you can only have context for what you have experienced personally, you can experience my love through the context I give you each moment of your life: in this breath, this color, this movement, this emotion, this possibility, this lovely shape of your heart and head.”

If we can, let’s go on a walk alone—just us and Jesus. (And if that’s not possible right now, imagine yourself on a walk with him.)

During this time, let’s focus on being present in the moment, asking ourselves: What do I see right now? What do I feel physically, emotionally? What do I smell and sense?

For example, can we feel the sunlight on our face? Let’s close our eyes and imagine God as light, allowing his light and warmth to wash over us.

With each thing that stands out to us during our walk, let’s also pray: “Lord, show me yourself through this. How can I experience you right now? What do you want to say to me? I’m listening.”

Friend, another way God made us in his image is in our desire for community. We weren’t made for loneliness. God designed us to enjoy friendship, to communicate life to others, and to lift one another up.

So let’s think for a moment … who can we reach out to this week? How can we show them God’s love and support them in their relationship with Jesus? Also, who can we confide in and find support?



Father, thank you for creating me to have a deep, adventurous relationship with you. No matter where I go, you’re there—speaking to me, listening to me, always communicating.

Help me hear and recognize your voice, Lord. Help me seek you with all my heart, without any hesitation. Fill me with your truth and show me things that I’ve never seen before. I want more of you—just you.

I love you, Lord.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Waving the banner with you,



Maneuvers - No. 99


Maneuvers - No. 97