Maneuvers - No. 80
Jennifer Camp Jennifer Camp

Maneuvers - No. 80

“Steady now. You are okay. I call out to you. If you are thirsty, come and drink. I have what you need. I call out. Do you hear me? Does my voice reach you? Do you feel my words in your heart…”

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Maneuvers - No. 79
Jennifer Camp Jennifer Camp

Maneuvers - No. 79

“Receive the gifts I give you. Reach out your hands. I have more to give you at this moment. A life of abundance. A life of richness. A life of beauty. I am running toward you now, and I shower upon you all my love. Everything I have is yours as I celebrate your life and delight in your presence with me. My joy is your joy. My perspective is your perspective if you want it…”

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Maneuvers - No. 78
Jennifer Camp Jennifer Camp

Maneuvers - No. 78

“Do not be anxious. You are okay, Treasured One. Are you out there on your own? Come here. Let me ask you: To what rhythm of life do you ascribe? To what ideals? To what messages? What life pace is bringing you stress? What are you chasing–for peace…”

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Maneuvers - No. 77
Jennifer Camp Jennifer Camp

Maneuvers - No. 77

“Let me refresh you. Let me take you deeper into the still place, the place within you that knows you are the beloved. Quiet down now. Discerning my words to you–in letters and sound–are less important than the listening you do and the understanding of me that comes from your heart. For you are known by me. And that knowing helps make me known to you…”

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Maneuvers - No. 76
Jennifer Camp Jennifer Camp

Maneuvers - No. 76

“There is an ache in you, deep down, that I can satisfy. It need not be uncovered, at least for my sake. I know where it is. But for your sake, can I show you where the ache resides? Can I lead you to the place within you that harbors the pain? Can I hold your hand as we navigate memories not so distant, experiences you would rather forget…”

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Maneuvers - No. 75
Jennifer Camp Jennifer Camp

Maneuvers - No. 75

“Where are you, son? Where are you, daughter/? Where are you running? Why does the pace need to be so fast? Why do you pretend to know which way to go? Why are you desperate to find a way forth that is forged in your own strength? W/hy do you forget you are small–and yet you are strong and protected and safe in me…”

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Maneuvers - No. 74
Jennifer Camp Jennifer Camp

Maneuvers - No. 74

“How can I reassure you that I am here? Can I use a breeze to cool your skin? Or the sun? Or the green leaves of a tree? What can I give to you that will comfort your heart? How will you feel less alone? How can I ease the pain…”

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Maneuvers - No. 73
Jennifer Camp Jennifer Camp

Maneuvers - No. 73

“Do not lose hope now. Do not lose hope. All that you carry is not without pain, I know. I know pain. I know suffering too. Oh, how can I explain them both? There is much I do not give to you to know. But I give you enough–enough to know for this moment. Enough to give to me. Enough to entrust to me. Let me be your enough…”

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Maneuvers - No. 72
Jennifer Camp Jennifer Camp

Maneuvers - No. 72

“YI have carved you out of the clay. Out of the dust you came. I kissed you with my breath. I dreamed of you and wanted you. You are what I imagined. You are here, my beloved, my own. I want you to stay with me…”

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Maneuvers - No. 71
Jennifer Camp Jennifer Camp

Maneuvers - No. 71

“Do not be discouraged now. You are doing okay. Hold up your head. Stand up now. Open your hands. Breathe…”

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Maneuvers - No. 70
Jennifer Camp Jennifer Camp

Maneuvers - No. 70

“There is harmony here, Voices of love around me. All know my name. All call out, singing. All give me praise. Do you hear it? Do you know heaven’s song? Truly, it is a sound you know, that you are made to know. So let your heart engage with me here, in this secret place, this place deep in your heart–this place where you connect with me and we are one and you are known…”

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Maneuvers - No. 69
Jennifer Camp Jennifer Camp

Maneuvers - No. 69

“You have made me small. You forget who you are. Come now. Come close. The discomfort within you is caused by your missing me, your pulling away from me. Stay connected now, dear one. Be restored–all the way. Let me speak to you in the ways you need me to most–how my love claims you. How it is my love that gives you your name, your sure place on which to stand…”

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Maneuvers - No. 68
Jennifer Camp Jennifer Camp

Maneuvers - No. 68

“I am affectionate towards you. I am not harsh. I want to bless you with my favor, with my attention, with my ideas and wisdom, I want to pour into you what is lasting: hope and peace, a deep knowing of your identity…”

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Maneuvers - No. 67
Jennifer Camp Jennifer Camp

Maneuvers - No. 67

“Where are you running now? What are you trying to escape? Why do you try to fix things by your own understanding, alone without help? Do not be an orphan, dear one. You are not orphaned…”

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Maneuvers - No. 66
Jennifer Camp Jennifer Camp

Maneuvers - No. 66

“What I have for you is more than enough. Enough time. Enough energy. Enough capacity to love people. You have what you need to love. I know it doesn’t feel like that sometimes. I know you often feel depleted. Sometimes you feel worthless–unfit and incapable of loving the person in front of you. You size them up, look at what you think they can give you, how they aren’t measuring up. You compare and assess and determine the worth of a moment, a task, a person, by what you will get in return rather than what you can give. And this attitude, this mindset, this small way of thinking and living, limits you. It withholds your heart–from people. But not only that; it withholds love from yourself…”

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Maneuvers - No. 65
Jennifer Camp Jennifer Camp

Maneuvers - No. 65

“Do not be afraid. Do not be afraid. Come. Be like a child and trust me: It is an act of maturity to let everything go. To surrender and be okay with all that you do not know. That is how you grow–stronger and wiser, resilient and indefatigable. Your life is more than what you see and know–more than what you readily understand. Do not measure the worth of your life. It is not limited to memories of the past or possibilities for the future. It is more than pages you turn in a photograph album, or words you’ve written, or people’s stories–how you are viewed by others. You don’t have to worry about the worth of your life. I measure it. I adore you…”

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Maneuvers - No. 64
Jennifer Camp Jennifer Camp

Maneuvers - No. 64

“Hope now. See. Know you are held–and so loved, right here, right now. In all moments. Before you were born. And beyond man’s recording of time. What do you want, more than anything else? How much do you desire to have more hope? How much hope do you have in all things being made right? How often do you abandon anxiety, release the unknown, and let yourself be gathered up by me…”

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Maneuvers - No. 63
Jennifer Camp Jennifer Camp

Maneuvers - No. 63

“I like being with you, you know. Even though it can feel to you like you haven’t seen me for a while. My heart is soft towards you. I am inclined to be with you. It is my nature to want companionship with you. Don’t ascribe to fear–that reading my word or going to church or behaving a certain way will guarantee your closeness with me. For you could do all of these things perfectly–or in a way that feels like it is perfect to you–and not be with me…”

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Maneuvers - No. 62
Jennifer Camp Jennifer Camp

Maneuvers - No. 62

“Can you hear it? The music I play within you? It is time to relax now. Not everything is for you to do. There is deep peace to be found in my rest. And true rest comes only in my presence. Stop running now. Pause. Let me see your face. Let me quiet your heart. You are enough here…”

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Maneuvers - No. 61
Jennifer Camp Jennifer Camp

Maneuvers - No. 61

“Things are not as bad as they seem to you. Truly. Things are not as bad as they seem–though the earth shakes with evil, and though the world is full of disappointment, sickness, and terror. Look up, child, look up. Yes, this world will always disappoint you. It will never fulfill you. It will never satisfy your deepest needs. That is okay. It is okay…”

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